The Flow Project aims to develop a floating wind turbine for a life size demonstration to overcome restrictions for the construction of offshore windfarms in areas of a depth greater than 60mts. CT is part of a project led by Nautilus and includes Iberdrola, Ormazabal, Shipyards Murueta and Navacel, and others.
The offshore windfarm sector is becoming more important amongst renewable energies, especially in Europe and is also a growing sector in both Asia and the United States. At present the majority of offshore windfarms, such as the recently built Wikinger project in the Baltic Sea, are marine wind generators anchored to the seabed by means of jackets, which are platforms that the generators rest on. The towers are only installed in shallow waters (max. depth 50-60 mts.) which limits development in the sector
This investigation Project, called Flow, aims to provide a solution by developing a floating generator and life size model to enable the construction of offshore windfarms in deeper waters. The project handles all the different phases of design engineering, the details and the manufacturing of a floating life size model with the aim to establishing the Basque country at the forefront of this strategic sector and boost the capabilities of Basque companies in the entire chain of supplies for the floating windfarm sector.
The consortium led by Nautilus includes as partners Iberdrola Renovables, the Shipyards Murueta, Nervión Industries, Navacel, Vicinay, CT, Ormazabal, NEM Solutions, Erreka, HWS Concrete Towers, Uniportbilbao, Foro Marítimo Vasco and the Cluster de Energía. It also incorporates Tecnalia, IK4- Ikerlan, Vicinay Marine Innovation and OCT as agents for the Basque network of Science Technology and Innovation (RVCTI).
CT has more than 15 years’ experience in the wind sector in accomplishing the testing of components, the validation of turbines and wind generators, detailed engineering and structures as well as other activities.
The Flow Project has been financed by the Department for Economic Development and infrastructures of the Basque government (the HAZITEK program) and also by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). All the information about the project can found at the following website: .