All projects

Industry 4.0

The 3DELECPRINT R&D project, led by CT, has achieved the printing of electronic sensors and/or wiring on complex rigid 3D geometries.

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Sustainable aircraft

CT is contributing to the future of sustainable aviation in the CETACEO project led by Airbus Defence & Space.

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Sustainable aircraft

CT is leading the European R+D project CLAH2RENH3CE to revolutionize aviation with zero emissions.

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Green hydrogen

CT is participating in the development of a zero-emissions tugboat powered by green hydrogen.

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Sustainable aircraft

The ONEiRE R&D initiative, focused on pioneering the next generation of hydrogen-powered aircraft with low to zero emissions, has successfully concluded.

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Artificial Intelligence

CT pioneers an autonomous, eco-friendly system for plastic waste capture in river and marine environments.

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Artificial Intelligence

CT leads innovation in industrial processes with ImaginA project: a leap towards enhanced efficiency through computer vision.

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Airborn Wind Energy Systems

CT studies automatic control of AWE system trajectories using advanced Deep Learning technologies.

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Additive manufacturing

CT advances in the optimisation of additive technologies in the ADDHOC R&D project.

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CT plays a pivotal role in developing standard and modular launch base services for small satellites in the SAMMBA R&D project.

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Business Intelligence

CT drives the automation and digitalization of operations in the livestock-meat chain through the TRACVI R&D project.

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Composite materials

CT has successfully completed WELDER, a toolkit for next-generation aeronautics equipment.

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