Airborn Wind Energy Systems
CT studies automatic control of AWE system trajectories...
CT is making progress with the IADGENOL R&D project aimed at researching Deep Learning models for the automatic control and characterisation of AWE (Airborne Wind Energy) systems for wind energy generation, forming part of the framework of the call for...
Additive manufacturing
CT advances in the optimisation of additive technologie...
CT, from its delegation in Bilbao, leads the Basque R&D initiative ADDHOC, which will develop a new family of digital tools, CAx, to introduce new metallic additive technologies in industrial sectors with mechanical, short series and highly customized...
CT plays a pivotal role in developing standard and modu...
Around the world, various small space launcher initiatives have emerged to provide more affordable and flexible satellite launch services. These initiatives have become possible due to the miniaturization of components and a shift toward smaller, resilient satellite...
Business Intelligence
CT drives the automation and digitalization of operatio...
CT is part of a group of multi-disciplinary organizations and companies, which have joined together to drive the optimization of product traceability and management of land logistics routes using artificial vision and data science. The project is coordinated by...
Composite materials
CT has successfully completed WELDER, a toolkit for nex...
WELDER Consortium members Le projet WELDER de Clean Sky 2 a livré et mis en service avec succès les têtes de soudage par ultrasons et par résistance. Les deux nouvelles solutions de soudage remplaceront les systèmes d’assemblage conventionnels reposant sur la...
Digital transformation
CT to optimize the industrial assembly processes by usi...
This software will be designed for highly intensive assembly processes in the aeronautical, automotive and rail sectors. CT will simulate and model in 3D the process to optimize assemblies. CT has initiated the R&D project VAREAL which will develop a new platform...
CT to build the INSIDeR space debris recovery solution ...
Key points CT will announce the construction of the INSIDeR ground demonstrator, and the set-up of an industrial consortium, as well as the seeking of the necessary financing for the flight demonstration stage. A prototype is expected to be placed in orbit by the end...
CT supervises the detailed engineering of the Ventus Wi...
Wind Farm, Vestas Our teams supervised the detailed engineering, executed by a third party, of the Ventus Wind Farm, located in El Salvador. Several CT teams specialising in the different fields required in the wind farm and the feed-in substation participated in the...
Specialists in turnkey projects for the substations of ...
Red Eléctrica Española Depuis deux décennies, nos spécialistes travaillent avec différentes entreprises à la mise en place d’une ingénierie complète de protection et de contrôle, ainsi qu’à l’assemblage électromécanique pour le client final Red Eléctrica de España...
Energizing the future
Le réacteur thermonucléaire expérimental international (ITER), l’un des projets énergétiques les plus ambitieux au monde à l’heure actuelle, situé à Cadarache dans le sud-est de la France, est le fruit d’une collaboration mondiale entre 35 nations (les membres d’ITER...
Maintenance of large components of hydropower plants
Hydroelectric plant, Villarino Our team participated in the rehabilitation process that Iberdrola carried out for the first time for two of the three low-pressure valves of the Villarino de los Aires hydroelectric plant (Salamanca), an installation on the Tormes...
Digital transformation
How to take an OEM to the next level of digital maturit...
Nous partons du principe que toutes les dimensions de l’entreprise jouent un rôle essentiel dans la stratégie de la société et dans la réalisation des objectifs du plan. Les processus, les produits, les infrastructures informatiques, les données, le capital humain et...